Friday, August 22, 2008

Christmas Apple

To discourage squirrel and birds, I hit upon the plan of draping the apple tree with yarn. Seems to work as squirrels are afraid of snakes. Ha!

Well, this morning Bubba jumped up on the Butcher Block for breakfast and broke a coffee cup of mine. It had a loon on it and said Minnesota. I was contemplating giving it to Melissa since her son is going to be moving there. Wonder if there is some karmic lesson in that?

It was windy out this morning so it had the illusion of being cooler anyway. The air was fresher than it has been for a month or so, so I opened a window upstairs and turned on the attic fan to pull some of the fresh stuff from the coast in. Thanks to Fay. Although we could really use rain, hope, hope. It reminded me of that morning I woke up in Carmel when I was with Greg and Cristin and Sarah Grace. Same feel. Different smell, tho.

I persuaded Brian to help me "yarn" the apple tree. It does seem to be keeping the squirrels away. Looks a bit Christmassey, I think what with the green balls of the apples. Maybe the origin of Christmas trees....not.

Found a good sized green pepper in the garden along with the usual tomatoes and okra. Think I will make kasha for dinner. With an Indian okra side dish.

Have enjoyed being able to electronically chat with Cristin this morning. Wonderful technology, to enable that. Got a facebook friend invite from a friend who used to live up the street, but has moved to Ohio. Miss her being around although I don't correspond with her as much as I should. Just get in a rut of housework and gardening.

Well, onward and upward. The dehydrator needs attention. Maybe I'll finish that mitten today.

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