Thursday, August 21, 2008

Thurs, August 21, 2008

Well, it looks as though Fay is going to give us a miss. This morning in the garden was nicer than usual due to a little cloud/fog cover and a breeze. Thanks Fay. Now for some rain. Hint, hint.

Tomatoes are still producing nicely. Think I will crank up the dehydrator again today. Apples juicy and still green and tart the way I like them. Brian is waiting for them to get more goldeny delicious.

Okra is doing what okra does. Keeping up a steady production as long as I keep it picked. Finally, finally there are some peppers. Had an egg with okra and peppers for bkfst this morning.

Saw the wild brown bunny in the garden yesterday and B saw him/her near the magnolia. Think that must be the hidey hole as I have seen Wild Bun run in under the low branches there myself.

Working on my second knitted angora mitten. When I get both finished I will post a picture on my blog. They should be good and warm for someone this winter.

Am sick of my own cooking these days. Maybe we will go out tonight, or I will just fix steak and some boxed scalloped potatoes.

Got a letter from Melissa yesterday. She sounds very sad. Is having trouble with her teeth - implants falling out. Can't think why they don't just pull her remaining molars and give her bridges. She has had trouble with her teeth for years.

Well, the sun in shinning. I'm going to spin up what I brushed from Pinky (formerly Angel) and then cut up tomatoes and apples for the dehydrator. After that it is clean kitchen and do laundry.

I have been avoiding the garage, hoping that if any yellow jackets were alive after being stomped inside B's shirt they would die or find their way out.

But since complaints have been made about a lack of underthings, I must enter the (possibly) danger zone today.

Oh, the hazards of keeping a house and garden! LOL

Make it a good day.

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