Friday, May 22, 2009


Soon the berries will be ripe. And I will fight the birds for every one. Oh, you say, put a net over them. But then they, esp robins and thrushes, sneak in from underneath. I level the playing field by picking the berries a bit under ripe and letting them ripen indoors. But it is a draw at best.

Yesterday evening, just after B got home, I looked out the kitchen window and saw our wild brown bunny IN the garden. Um, isn't that is why we put up the fence to keep him out? Didn't she read the memo?! So buddy and I went out and harassed him a bit. Buddy ran around trying to herd Bun from outside the fence. I was hoping I could find the "hole" by seeing where Bun exited. No such luck. She ran and flung herself at the fence on all sides before finally hitting one section hard enough it buckled. This after I opened the gate. Sigh. Buddy and I shall have to be more diligent.

It is a competitive world out there.

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