This morning when I let the dog out there was frost on the grass. His pawsteps sounded crisp on the grass. Must be cold on his pads. In the east, dawn was yellow and the sun not above the horizon. A Carolina wren was making liquid music and a couple of crows cawed. Morning traffic made a low background hiss. A bark at the bear-like black dog who lives in the yard with the swimming pool. His owners were pulling in in their van. Do they work at night?
I would have taken a frost picture, but Kamath insists on going out on the porch with me and it is easier to hold him than catch him if I let him down.
Pink streaks were rising in the northwest and a siren sounding as I let Buddy in the screen door. Dogs bathroom breaks are a lot more interesting than ours.
Frugal Queen is moving
9 years ago
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