OK. So hubby spotted Ears (a wild brown bunny) in the veggie garden this morning and went out with a broom to evict him. I followed more slowly (as I do most things these days). Turns out Ears had chewed himself (herself?) a neat hole through the plastic fence. Grrrrrr.
So what is so fabulous in our garden, you might ask, that Ears with a world of wild green around him, has to go to so much trouble? Beans! Seems that bean plants are the chocolate and caviar of rabbit gourmets. Go figure.
So here is the schedule me and my hobble knees have worked out. Get up. Let dog out. Make tea and drink it with synthroid. Walk the dog a short distance down the street, trying to increase a few steps each day. Return. Make another cup of tea. Make husband's lunch. Drink Tea 2 with Sam-e, folic acid and B complex. Kiss husband goodbye. Pick up rabbit food scraps and, followed by dog, head to the back yard for a weeding, veggie picking, rabbit feeding, cage cleaning session. Return inside and make another cup of tea and grind flax seeds. Make morning oatmeal including said flax seeds. Take tea, oatmeal mix, E, bee pollen, calcium with mag and Vit C to computer to have bkfst and read emails, explore blogs, etc.
All of this is not finished until 10:30 or so. By then it is to the kitchen (in wheeled computer chair to save my knees) to process morning picked veggies, clean up kitchen, etc. Usually it is noonish by the time all this is done. And that means more ground flax seeds and whatever.
My afternoons are my own with the exception of ingesting another Calcium mag, C, and two
Ever-flex. But I am limited by the amount of pain I am experiencing on any given day and the immediacy of tasks awaiting me. At 5 I start preparing dinner and at sixish hubby returns from a hard day of slogging it out in the salt mines. We eat, watch TV, retire to respective corners to read, sew or get on the computer. Then I try to take another walk down the street with dog going a few more steps than the morning. My goal is to be able to walk to the elementary school and back, but since I haven't made it to the first cross street yet, I have a ways to go.
Wish me luck. There does seem to be some improvement with this regimen, however slight.
Frugal Queen is moving
9 years ago
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