It is too rainy this morning to work in the garden outdoors. So I have contented myself with sorting bean seeds and deciding to hand wash the old linens Jane gave me. The beans are sorted and I pulled out the linens, but with my usual multi-tasking, I have since had bkfst, made coffee, up potted the succulents that were given me at Biltmore, put them on the front porch, rearranged the plants B put out there before they left, decided the porch needed sweeping, taken a call from M, and gone upstairs to take this pic of the elder blooms from studio/daughter's room window. Never a dull moment. Oh, yeah, fed the cats, chased Kamath back in from the front yard as he slid through the door when my hands were full of plants. (He plots his chances.) And it is not yet 9:30. Of course, I will be sleepy in the afternoon. But in this south, the mornings in summer are the best part of the day. Sleeping in the afternoons is not a bad idea, I think.
I still need to change the litter box and retreive my neighbor's Sunday paper as they are off this holiday weekend to see their daughter.
Just because it is too wet to work in the garden, doesn't mean that there is not work to be done.
It is a very quiet neighborhood this weekend, but a few cars do pass. It is so quiet, that when I am outside I can hear conversations (not words) inside neighboring houses. That is rare here. Usually there is the hum of either heat or air conditioning to block the sound.
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