This card is by a local artist - Bruce L. Bunch www.brucelbunch.com
We bought this at Trillium Saturday when we went for the opening new work there. In case you don't recognize the bird, it is a Carolina wren. We have a pair nesting every year near the back porch. For several years, they made a nest in the old gas grill that came with the house. We'd leave the lid propped open a bit and they seemed to think it ideal. The pipe rusted however, and since then, they've been nesting under the eaves and in the bushes near the back porch. They are very companionable and little afraid.
The first year Buddy the sheltie came to live with us, I would leave the back screen door propped open for him with his water and food on the porch. Somehow a bunch of flies got trapped inside the screened area. Our pair of wrens, not ones to miss an opportunity, flew in to feast. Somehow the wind blew the door shut and the birds were trapped.
By the time I noticed and went out to release them, they were so full, they couldn't fly. I could actually see the bulge in their crops. They had to waddle to the door, giving me the beady eye over their shoulders, hop down the steps and sidle into the boxwoods.
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