Today I am tired from not sleeping well and getting up very early. As in while it was still black early. But I can't seem to nap, so will trog, I mean, blog on.
Have gotten things accomplished in the last 2 days, although it doesn't feel like it. Dug the lavender plants i bought in by the drive before the rain and planted asiatic lillies while it was raining. I know it is the wrong month to plant bulbs, but since these are left over from spring, I figured I'd take my chances in the ground rather than drying out in the bags.
I should have taken a pic of the bulb bags spread out all around my computer chair as I pondered what to plant when and what to give whom. But it was a bit overwhelming and I have cleaned them up.
B said there were spiders in his motel room last night and a fridge that churped like a cricket. I bet he didn't get much more sleep than I did.
Managed to get two shelves of tomatoes in the dryer and one of apples. I think they multiply in the kitchen overnight. Maybe that is why I was having trouble with sleep. Too much multiplying. LOL.
Got enough field peas for a mess for dinner, not that I haven't been eating bits for a while. Got a handful of okra too. It is like tomatoes. Once it starts producing, you had better keep up with it. The green beans are on pause because of the heat last week, but if it stays this cool, I'm sure they will start up again.
The seeds I planted in the tray thingy are already up and enjoying the light on the front porch. I have others to thin and transplant. Never ends, this trying to grow your own food.
I am really grateful for yesterday's rain. There is a slim chance of a thunderstorm this afternoon. May that slim chance grow fat with water and thunder and park itself directly over my house.
There is some water in the rain barrel from yesterday and I will release that to the garden tomorrow if we don't get rain today.
Life goes on whether I am sleepy or not.
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